May 2 / Mark 6:1-6

Mark 6:1-6

“Notice what you notice.” Today is Mark’s account of Jesus’ return to his hometown, Nazareth. And he could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them. (v.5) It’s almost like Mark has really high expectations for Jesus, seeing no “mighty works” in Nazareth except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them, no small feat in itself! However, most recently Mark has reported on the calming of the storm in chapter 4 and the healing of the Gerasene demoniac, the raising of Jairus’ daughter, and the healing of the woman with a hemorrhage in chapter 5. So he (Peter?) had seen some “mighty works” at Jesus’ hand, but not in Nazareth.

So I wonder if I’m a “mighty works” sort of person, discounting “everyday” miracles. And although I reported a few days ago that I had never witnessed a healing (beyond normal medical intervention), I have, in fact, claimed up to a dozen “miracles” that cannot be explained by my normal understanding of life and the world around me, including six that I consider extraordinary. Plus I recognize that there are dozens (or even hundreds when we are driving) of daily deliverances of which I am completely unaware. So yes, I’m a miracles person. And if I had been at Nazareth with my current faith, I think I would have appreciated and applauded those “few sick people” that Jesus healed.

Slava Bohu!

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