May 12 / Matt. 14:1-12

Matthew 14:1-12

“Notice what you notice.” The death of John the Baptist… There is a lot of reflecting someone could do about all the elements of this story. John speaking out and challenging Herod… The whole issue of Herod’s and Herodias’ relationship… Herod having the authority to imprison John, presumably without trial… Herod’s ability to have John beheaded – an awesome power to be able to command that and it be done as commanded… So many elements…!

But what struck me was the last sentence in this reading: And his disciples came and took the body and buried it, and they went and told Jesus. (v. 12) It is not surprising that John’s disciples would take his body and have him buried; they must have been a devoted lot. But then, with their leader gone, what did they do? They went to Jesus. I could easily wonder that John could still have his own disciples after he had recognized and baptized Jesus and proclaimed Him to be “the One” (John 1:27). Why would John still have followers at all? Why would he not send them off to find Jesus? And did John continue preaching his baptism of repentance after baptizing Jesus? Yes, questions here also…

But the one bottom line is that John’s disciples went to find Jesus. No better place to go…!! And I’m guessing that since they had been following John, they would now become disciples of Jesus, a good outcome for them. Now flash forward a year or two – Jesus Himself is crucified. His disciples had nowhere to go, no one to turn to. They huddled together in a mass, fearful as to what would become of them. They didn’t have the option of going to Jesus that John’s disciples had; instead Jesus came to them! Just as He had comforted John’s disciples, He now did the same for His own disciples.

Jesus also covers our disappointments, our griefs. He has promised His Holy Spirit as our Comforter (Helper, Advocate, Counselor) so that we are not alone (John 14:16, ff). Whatever the world throws at us, Jesus offers us Himself. We are not alone…!

Slava Bohu!

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