May 26 / John 6:60-71

John 6:60-71

“Notice what you notice.” Today we finish the exchange between Jesus and “the crowd” that follows John’s account of Jesus walking on the water. I have always loved Peter’s response to Jesus’ teaching and His challenge to them that some might leave Him. Peter responded, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life… (v. 68). For some reason, maybe from an earlier Catholic translation, I always had the second half of that verse as “You ALONE have the words of eternal life”. “Alone” is implied in the first half of that verse, but not explicitly stated. This seems a small point, but it’s really not. It is Jesus, alone, who is our salvation; Jesus, alone, to whom we can turn; Jesus, alone, who has words of eternal life. Jesus is the only way!

I’m a bit confused by Jesus’ words in verse 65, no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father. (See also John 6:44.) Yet earlier in this chapter (John 6:37-40) it seems that Jesus has said that the Father wants all people to come to Him, through Jesus. I can’t imagine that the Father is being exclusive in who He chooses. So verse 65 leaves me confused.

One final note, Judas the son of Simon Iscariot… (v. 71). My Study Bible indicates that “Iscariot” means “a man from Kerioth”. Online I found Kerioth either east of the Dead Sea or south of Jerusalem. For either of these, that Study Bible mentions that Judas was the only non-Galilean among the twelve. Interesting…

Slava Bohu!

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