June 7 / Luke 9:18-27

Luke 9:18-27

“Notice what you notice.” Verse 24: For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. Today it is worth quoting an entire footnote from my Study Bible regarding this verse, that this saying of Jesus “…is found in all four Gospels and in two Gospels more than once (in a slightly different form in John). No other saying of Jesus is given such emphasis.” The Gospel sources are Mt. 10:38-39, 16:24-25; Mark 8:34-35; Luke 9:24, 14:26-27, 17:33; and John 12:25. Interesting…!

“Daily.” If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. (v. 23) In one of my Bibles I already had this word underlined. Only Luke has us taking up our crosses daily. But what a good thought that is! Taking up your cross could be a one-time thing – a conversion prayer or a Holy Spirit renewal. But taking up your cross daily…! Taking up your cross as Jesus did on the way to Golgotha, remembering and identifying with Him in His suffering…, daily. Our hearts could be so much more pure if we would take up our crosses, daily.

Slava Bohu!

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