Mark 8:27-9:1
“Notice what you notice.” I have often imagined / presumed that whatever Jesus said to His disciples, He was also saying to us today. For example, He could easily be asking us, Who do people say that I am? (v. 27) Or He could be asking us, But who do you say that I am? (v. 29) We need to constantly ask ourselves, for His teachings to His disciples or to the crowds, what He might be saying to us today.
Those thoughts are fully relevant in today’s reading, as the passage closes with Jesus saying, For whoever is ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels. (Mark 8:38) I ask myself whether the Jewish world in Jesus’ time was in fact so “adulterous”? We could easily believe that of the Gentile world, with its temple prostitutes and its subjugation of women. But were the Jews themselves so “adulterous”? I wonder.
HOWEVER, when I bring Jesus’ verse 38 line into today’s world, the word “adulterous” is wholly applicable. We are truly in the midst of an “adulterous and sinful generation”. Adultery today is seemingly more prominent than faithful Christian marriage. Men and women having affairs while married is the classic adultery. But unmarried people living together also falls outside our traditional understanding of acceptable male-female relationships – to say nothing of same-sex issues!! We’ve long been a “sinful generation”, going back centuries and millennia, but I feel like our 20th and 21st century USA behavior has taken adultery to a new level. We are living in the midst of this “…generation”; let’s be bold for Jesus and His words so that He will be bold for us when He returns.
Slava Bohu!
I think the way Jesus uses the word “adulterous” here has more to do with unfaithfulness to God than to sexual immorality. Nevertheless, you are absolutely right on target with recognizing the applicability of the term to modern day U.S.A. (or, really, Western) “culture”.