August 29 / Luke 19:28-44

Luke 19:28-44

And this one, one day late…

Let’s remember to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” …if these should be quiet, the very stones would cry out! (v. 40) This verse has always set well with me! It speaks of the intensity of the crowd, the magnitude of Jesus’ presence, and His awareness of His role in the peoples’ eyes. He also reveals His knowledge of His Father’s power. I believe that Jesus was speaking absolutely, not metaphorically. I believe He knew what His Father was capable of and that stones could cry out if they were asked to do so.

I wonder how much Jesus saw into the future when He wept over Jerusalem. The detail He provided came true, but the images He saw in those brief moments must have been even more powerful to leave Him weeping. All Jews regarded Jerusalem with a special fondness, and Jesus was no different. His love for the city is reflected in His weeping over its destruction. BTW, my Study Bible pointed out that this was only the second time that we have record of Jesus weeping, the other being at Lazarus’ tomb.

Slava Bohu!

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