Matthew 22:1-14
Let’s remember to pray for Jim and Marty.
“Notice what you notice.” As I’m sure is the case for many of you, I have read this parable probably hundreds of times, but never seriously pondered it – until this morning. So first, the characters. The king is God; He is preparing a wedding feast for His Son. The bride will be the church. The king (God) sent servants (prophets) to call those who had been invited (the Jews). They were unwilling to come and ignored the servants. Then the king (God) sent more servants (prophets) to the same people (the Jews) and they went their own way – but some of them killed the servants (prophets). So the king (God) sent his army and destroyed those people (the Jews) and burned their cities (Jerusalem). I imagine this to be 586 B.C. when the Jews went into exile in Babylon or it could be 70 A.D. when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem. Then the king (God) sent more servants (John the Baptist, Paul, and the Apostles) to call in everyone from the streets (Gentiles), both good and evil (today’s churched and unchurched). My Study Bible indicates that the host would have provided wedding garments for his guests so that everyone would be properly clothed – presumably our cleansing through Jesus’ death and resurrection. And when anyone is found not properly clothed, s/he is thrown into the outer darkness (Hell) where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Clearly the Jewish leaders would have taken this personally, this now the third of three parables in a row chastising them for their own history and for their personal rejection of Jesus. Lord, may we learn from their mistakes. Help us to seek You all the more!!
Slava Bohu!