September 12 / Matt. 22:15-22

Matthew 22:15-22

Let’s remember to pray for Jim and Marty. His surgery is today…!

“Notice what you notice.” Paying taxes to Caesar… The Pharisees have been watching Jesus closely, trying to trip Him up and find ways to accuse Him so the people might turn against Him. Having failed at every attempt, they now enlist some Herodians (supporters of Roman rule) to try to trap Him in a no-win situation. First they used flattery, maybe to catch Him off guard, then they figured they had Him with their key question about paying taxes to Caesar.

So often Jesus fails to answer their questions directly. Often He answers one of their questions by replying back with His own question to them (Matthew 21:25). At other times He points out some error in their question, as in “You are wrong…” (Matthew 22:29). This time He simply asks for the coin that is used to pay the poll tax, again not answering their question directly, but then re-directing a question back to them. That’s genius!!

I think there’s a lesson here for us – to be careful how we answer questions when we are dealing with non-believers. We need to test whether their questions are genuine desires to learn truth or mean-spirited attempts to find fault, as in “If God exists why did He allow the Holocaust?” We need to find good re-directs to answer those challenges. But not to worry – the Holy Spirit is there to guide us into all truth! Glory!

Slava Bohu!

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