September 14 / Luke 20:20-26

Luke 20:20-26

Let’s remember to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” Luke is more straightforward than Matthew and Mark as to the dilemma in which the Jewish leaders were trying to trap Jesus: So they watched him and sent spies, who pretended to be sincere, that they might catch him in something he said, so as to deliver him up to the authority and jurisdiction of the governor. (v. 20) It’s helpful to put all three Synoptics together. Both Matthew and Mark mention the Jewish leaders’ conspiring with the Herodians, which clarifies Luke’s comment. The Herodians were supportive of Roman rule and of the requirements to pay taxes to these ruling authorities. So if Jesus spoke against paying taxes, the Herodians could report Him. If He spoke in favor of paying taxes, the Zealots among the Jews could work to enrage the people against Him. They had a well-conceived plan. But Jesus had His Holy Spirit guiding Him. No contest…!!

Slava Bohu!

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