October 19 / Matt. 26:17-29

Matthew 26:17-29

Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” Today, the Last Supper… I just now looked ahead. It will be December 14 before we get to Jesus’ Resurrection. So we have almost two months to go through Jesus’ last day, from Thursday evening to Friday late afternoon. About two weeks of our readings will be Jesus’ time with His disciples as recorded in John 13-17, but the rest of that time will be Jesus’ Passion and death. We’ve got a somber time ahead, folks.

So today what hit me was Go into the city to a certain man… (v. 18) Mark and Luke also tell us that Jesus knew that this “certain man” would be carrying a pitcher of water. But I wonder about this “certain man”. I doubt that Jesus had many friends in Jerusalem, except that He had been there before and done some great works, including His healing of the man born blind. Could it have been that man? Not likely – I doubt that he had his own house as Jesus had directed where the Passover meal would be eaten. Or was it someone who had witnessed that miracle and been converted? Could it have been Nicodemus? Somehow Jesus knew of this “certain man”, presumably from His time with His Father or the Holy Spirit speaking to Him. I’m a bit fascinated with this “certain man”…!

Slava Bohu!

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