October 23 / Luke 22:24-30

Luke 22:24-30

Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” I always find it strange that a dispute could arise among the apostles as to who was the greatest. I have a hard time picturing us at our RTB table on Sunday, November 10, arguing who is the greatest. How weird is that??!! But that’s one thing that’s great about Scripture. It’s all out there, all the warts and pimples exposed on the great and the not-so-great! Except that the GREATEST of all has humbled Himself to serve…

I don’t recall ever noticing this statement from Jesus: You are those who have stayed with me in my trials… (v. 28) Again, we see a real human Jesus here. These apostles have watched Jesus being badgered by the scribes and Pharisees time and time again – and they’ve seen Him overcoming it all. They’ve watched others hang with Him for a while and then go their own way. They’ve seen others show interest, but then get overwhelmed by the fear of becoming cast out by the ruling elite. Jesus is offering a “thank you” to these twelve for staying the course. What an honor it must have been to them to hear those words! And then that very evening, to fall away so suddenly…! What turmoil they must have felt! It’s both easy and hard for me to relate… Conflicted!

Slava Bohu!

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