November 30 / John 19:1-16

John 19:1-16

Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” Jesus speaking: Therefore he who delivered Me over to you has the greater sin. (v. 11b) This verse always confused me. My first confusion (common for me in John’s gospel) is about how Jesus was responding to Pilate’s question: Do you not know that I have authority to release you and authority to crucify you? (v. 10b) I still don’t have an answer for that item. But the second confusion was clarified a bit by my Study Bible. I had always imagined that Jesus was speaking about Judas as the one who had delivered Him over. But my Study Bible suggested that Jesus was probably referring to Caiaphas as the one who delivered Him over and that Judas was just “the means”. That makes more sense to me – the greater sin belonged to Caiaphas, a lesser sin to Pilate.

The chief priests answered, “We have no king but Caesar.” (v. 15b) The irony of this statement…! The Jews hated being under Roman rule. Although the Romans accommodated them to a great extent, they still hated being under their bondage. So now they make this claim of allegiance to Rome, all for the sake of having Jesus put to death. What irony…??!! The extent to which they would go to have their way with Him… But then again, every time that I find fault with the Jews, I know that I am equally guilty of my many sins for which Jesus suffered and died. And I’m sure I’ve made my own “accommodation” in the past to justify myself. Forgive me, Lord…!

Slava Bohu!

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