December 4 / John 19:17-27

John 19:17-27

Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” The readings have been divided up so that we see the crucifixion accounts in each of the four Gospels, one each day. Tomorrow we will begin to see Jesus’ death, again in each of the four Gospels, one each day.

Each of the four Gospels speaks of the soldiers dividing Jesus’ garments, but only Matthew and John cite Psalm 22:18 directly. I took the time to read Psalm 22. It’s striking how it speaks of Jesus’ crucifixion, especially verses 16-18. My Study Bible points out that no Psalm is quoted more in the New Testament than Psalm 22.

It troubles me (and I suspect, many of you) that Jesus’ mother is there standing by at His crucifixion. Small matter, but I’ve wondered how she got there, and I’ve played it out in my mind that John must have followed Jesus’ trail all along, to the point of His taking up His cross, whereupon he went to get Mary and bring her to Golgotha. But what mother would want to be there to see her son crucified? Or what mother would not want to be there? The pain she must have endured…! I’m at a loss for words.

Slava Bohu!

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1 Comment

  1. I too was struck by Psalm 22. Jesus quotes the first line on the cross, then it describes the crucifixion. But at v 22 it shifts to a praise hymn to God and a glorious future. Sorrow and glory at the same time!

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