December 10 / Matt. 27:57-66

Matthew 27:57-66

Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” I’ve read these words so many times that I find myself finishing sentences before I read the words. One sentence in particular struck me today, …and they rolled a great stone to the door of the tomb… (v. 60b). I don’t know what translation that came from, I just remember it from my childhood and continuing to this day, finishing the words in verse 60 with my own words before I read them. Which makes me enormously thankful for my parents bringing me up strong in my faith…!! Those Catholic roots run deep – and wide! I am forever grateful!

But what struck me today came from our Chronological Bible, with the chief priests and Pharisees asking Pilate for a guard on Jesus’ tomb. They made this request on the Sabbath, a day in which no work of any kind was to be done. But these Jewish leaders were so troubled by Jesus’ words (“…in three days…”) that they were willing to violate their own sacred traditions and do this “work” on the Sabbath!! But beyond that, put yourself in Pilate’s shoes for a minute. First these Jewish leaders ask you to condemn an innocent man to crucifixion, when you are troubled by their request and your wife has counseled against it – but you do it. Then these same Jewish leaders come again later in the day (after they have had their wish granted) and ask you to change the sign that you have affixed to Jesus’ cross. You dismiss them, “Go away!” Then they come again the next day and ask for a guard on the tomb. While Scripture says simply that Pilate granted their request, “You have a guard of soldiers. Go, make it as secure as you can.” (v. 65), in my mind I hear him screaming at them, granting their request in his most irritated, frustrated, exasperated tone!! “JUST GO AND DO IT!!” (And don’t come back…!!) I feel sorry for these Jewish leaders – and then again, I don’t. Jesus had struck at their hearts so deeply, but theirs were hearts of stone, and His words could never penetrate. I’m so glad to live on this side of the Resurrection…!! Glory!

Slava Bohu!

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1 Comment

  1. Good reflection!

    Never thought about the idea that Pilate was visited three times by these guys.

    Interesting that they still believed Jesus was a threat (because of his followers, not because they believed he would rise). Lame, blind guides.

    No, I don’t feel sorry for them, except that they were so entrenched in the status quo, they couldn’t see the truth.

    And a still small voice says, “Listen… Open your eyes to where you might be blind to the status quo.”

    Wish I could be there with the group today. Being in the “Land of Idols” has made me deeply aware of my gratefulness to be a Christian. It has also deepened my awareness of the immense hurdles someone in another culture and/or religious tradition faces to turn from the status quo to become a convert to Christianity.

    Blessings to you all!

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