December 19 / Mark 16:9-11

Mark 16:9-11

Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” Yes, I can understand that a physical, bodily resurrection could be hard to believe. But Jesus had predicted this to His disciples on a number of occasions, and now Mary reports that she has seen the risen Lord. In addition we read a few days ago that Mary and the other women had also reported that Jesus had been raised. (Luke 24:10-11) Yet today we read that the disciples did not believe her report. So give the disciples some space. Yes, it would be unbelievable!

What struck me today was in verse 10: She went and told those who had been with Him, as they mourned and wept. So it is now Sunday, the third day, and Jesus’ disciples are mourning and weeping. That’s all Mark reports, but I wonder what else was on their minds. Did they have a Plan B? What should they do now? Go back to their fishing lives in Galilee…? Peter is the one in charge and he has denied Jesus – he is probably mourning and weeping more than all the others!

As with all Gospel readings, maybe there is a lesson for us? On this side of the Resurrection we celebrate joyfully on Easter morning (as I’m sure the disciples did, eventually), but I think we need to go back to the first century occasionally and make Holy Saturday a special day of reflection. It was a full day of mourning for the disciples, but while we have no need to mourn the day, maybe it’s a good time to look back at where we are and forward to where we are headed. Just like we make resolutions on New Year’s Day, maybe Holy Saturday could be a time for a course correction. But yes, any day is a good day for that. Frankly, every day is a good day for more personal reflection! But still, maybe there’s something special about Holy Saturday…?

Slava Bohu!

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