April 29 / I Cor. 8:1-13

I Corinthians 8:1-13

For if anyone sees you who have knowledge eating in an idol’s temple, will he not be encouraged, if his conscience is weak, to eat food offered to idols? (v. 10) I try to stay non-political in these posts and even now I could be speaking of any public figure. Beyond that, yesterday’s news showed Vice President Pence at the Mayo Clinic not wearing a face mask – in spite of the Clinic’s policy that everyone inside the Clinic wear one. Pence claimed that he is tested regularly and that he does not have the virus, so it’s OK for him not to wear a mask. But he is a public figure setting an example for others to follow. Both he and President Trump refuse to wear masks. What are they saying to the general public? I think Paul’s question in verse 10 has complete application today!

Carol was already chatting with me this morning about idols and her trip to India. I hope she posts something on that.

As I type this Rachel is at the hospital in labor, with a realistic expectation of delivering her daughter today. I’m distracted; I’m off.

Slava Bohu!

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  1. Prayers for safe delivery for Rachel and Christian!

    I newly saw v. 6 about our existence “from the Father for the Father” and Jesus Christ “through whom” we were made and through whom we exist.

  2. Hi y’all,

    Thought I’d try to describe my experiences in India a bit since Fred suggested it, because they really made this passage come alive in ways it has not before.

    I visited several temples, both huge and small. I cannot adequately describe the feeling I had when I watched people getting sprinkled with colored dust, bowing to the images, and offering things to their “gods” in these places. It was so sad—they are just images in wood and metal. But at one of the largest temple complexes in Vyjaywada, we came out from the main area, and they handed out packets of tamarind rice and sweets to everyone. People were snacking on the food all around the open area; I wondered, is this “food offered to idols? I took a few bites, but I couldn’t eat it.

    Making sense of the myriad idols in India is ridiculous—there are over a hundred, counting different representations of the same gods. We have ONE Father, he has sent his ONE son, and we are filled with their ONE Holy Spirit. I felt so grateful to be a Christian!

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