May 4 / I Cor. 10:23-33

I Corinthians 10:23-33

When we get to II Corinthians, if we read the background literature we will find that many scholars consider I and II Corinthians to actually be four or more letters, bits and pieces here and there. Especially they consider II Corinthians to be a compilation of three others, as I recall. (I’m calling this from memory, so my memory is probably weak.) However, today’s reading makes me wonder if this section of I Corinthians also belongs elsewhere. For most of today’s reading, Paul is repeating what we read back in chapter 8, only a couple pages of his handwriting earlier. Still, I’m guessing that the earliest I Corinthians manuscript was found “in whole” and that Paul is simply repeating himself – for emphasis!

Give no offense to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God, just as I try to please everyone in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved. (vv. 32-33) These verses hit home to me in our context, that is, St. Andrew’s. When we had two services, we clearly had two different worshipping bodies and most of us chose the worship service that we preferred (except that I often wondered if some people chose 9:00 am so that they could have more of their Sunday time free). And I often wondered out loud whether we as a church were choosing what we enjoyed or what we thought would bring more people to join us. That comment often brought more argument than discussion. And even now when we have our online services, I’m sure many of us have our ideas as to how it could be handled better. And yes, I was thrilled yesterday when we did a full Eucharistic service!! I have really missed that service. So I’m as guilty as anyone! Why would people not like what I like…???!!! Un-glory…!

Slava Bohu!

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  1. V. 32: I try to please everyone in what I say and do… That can be very unhealthy if it is just to get along with people, avoid conflict, etc. But we act for the glory of God, to build up and benefit others v. 23, to bring them to Jesus. Very different motive and spiritually healthier!

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