May 14 / I Cor. 15:20-34

I Corinthians 15:20-34

I will venture where I don’t belong, theology over my head! …what do people mean by being baptized on behalf of the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why are people baptized on their behalf? (v. 29) “…baptized on behalf of the dead…” What’s this all about? My Study Bible says that the jury is still out among Bible scholars, that we’ll never know in our lifetime. I am not a scholar of world religions, but I understand that the Mormons regularly have themselves baptized on behalf of the dead. I presume they draw their theology and practice from this verse. Evidently Joseph Smith in 1840 read from I Corinthians 15 at a funeral service, focusing on verse 29 ( Also, in my Roman Catholic background we prayed regularly for the souls in Purgatory – a place between Earth and Heaven where souls are suffering while they are being more completely cleansed from their sins before their entrance into Heaven. The following citation offers Biblical support for this practice: So, what of verse 29? Here, as I have often in the past, I claim “blessed ignorance”.

So, another confusing verse… When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all. (v. 28) This verse says that the Son, Jesus, will be subjected to the Father. But doesn’t that go against our Trinitarian thinking? Are not the three persons of the Trinity co-equal and co-eternal? One online source explains it this way: “The second person of the Trinity (Jesus) is equal in nature to the Father but takes a different role by taking on human flesh, and subjects himself to the headship of the Father. The Father and the Son can be co-equal, while at the same time the Son submits to the headship of the Father; similar to the headship of the husband over the wife.” ( Again, confusing, but we retain our belief in the three Persons of the Trinity being co-equal.

Blessings in spite of our lack of understanding! Some day we will be more fully informed!

Slava Bohu!

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1 Comment

  1. Fred, I had understood that the term God referred to the three in one/Trinity/triune God, while the three co equals are the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each with specific roles. Maybe I am off on that. Jesus Christ’s role is the Word of God, to redeem the world and reign until He defeats all enemies, powers, authorities, evil, and death. Then He hands it back to the Father v. 24…

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