June 12 / Romans 3:1-8

Romans 3:1-8

Verse 7 is somewhat confusing: But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? First, let’s take it out of the first-person tense. That is, I don’t think Paul is singling himself out. I think he could just as well have said, “…why are we still being condemned as sinners?” That will clarify the verse somewhat. However, to further understand verse 7, it helps to back up to a selected portion of verse 5: …our unrighteousness serves to show the righteousness of God… I don’t think I am doing Scripture wrong by picking out only that selected part of verse 5. In this portion of verse 5, Paul is repeating what he has already said in verses 3 and 4. So, put it together and here’s a sinner’s (my) restatement of verse 7: “If my wrongdoing makes God look better, then don’t call me a sinner – I’m making God look better!” Enough for today; I’m in over my head!!

Slava Bohu!

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  1. I was struck by the excuses that we give for not admitting, denying, or even not allowing to consciousness our own sinfulness. I say we are all sinners — but mine aren’t quite as bad. Or, I hold no racism in my heart, but I ignore what others may experience and don’t even see it to speak up for justice. Getting closer to seeing my own sinfulness is very humbling. What is true religion? – loving justice, having mercy on the marginalized (orphans, widows, and immigrants), and walking humbly with our God. The word I hear is humility.

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