July 27 / Philippians 1:19-30

Philippians 1:19-30

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (v. 21) I have quoted this verse so many times, especially in the context of our present COVID life! So many dead – but how many were “in Christ”? Undoubtedly, He knew them all and He called them home when it was their time. So while we are troubled by our current circumstances, we need to relax and know that God knows it all; He is allowing COVID to go on, until whenever. We just need to trust Him.

This verse also comes to mind from my time before I was born again in 1975. My friend, Jim, had been sharing with me for 3+ years, but I was resistant owing to my Catholic roots and what I saw as his Protestant message. But after some time of his sharing it was clear to me that Jim was absolutely happy in his new life in Christ. He knew where he would be spending eternity, but even if there were no God, Jim was thoroughly happy in his present life in Christ. That is, he couldn’t lose! God or no God, Jim was happy! For him, truly, to live was Christ and to die was gain! I know that this reality had some bearing on my eventual “conversion”. Glory!!

Slava Bohu!

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