November 12 / Hebrews 3:1-11

Hebrews 3:1-11

Psalm 95 (Ps 95:7-11 in today’s reading) touches a soft heart for Carol and me. We met at a Bible Study hosted by a graduate student couple at the University of Maryland. The leader of the Study was teaching on the book of Exodus. He was also a gifted song-writer and singer and he had composed a song using Psalm 95 as the base. So anytime we see or read Psalm 95 we have fond memories.

After being compared to angels in the first two chapters, here in Chapter 3 Jesus is compared to Moses and rises above Moses in glory and honor with two comparisons. First, Jesus is the builder of the “house” and Moses is only a part of the house and …the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself. (v. 3b) Second, Moses was a servant (v. 5), but Jesus is a Son. (v. 6)

Finally, an encouraging word: And we are His house, if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope. (v. 6b) We are up there with Moses, part of the “house” that Jesus is building. Nice!

Slava Bohu!

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1 Comment

  1. Thanks, Fred. I was also drawn to having God’s rest, though in v. 11 it is a negative for the desert wandering generation. Jesus says He will give us rest: the rest of sabbath, their resting place in Canaan, our peace with God due to Christ’s sacrifice, and our future eternal life with God.

    I remember choral reading Ps 95:1-7 during morning prayer growing up.

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