April 5 / Luke 11:37-54

Luke 11:37-54

Woe to you Pharisees! For you love the best seat in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces. (v. 43) I have so often identified with the Pharisees, especially with them being suspicious of Jesus teachings, which were outside the Pharisees’ “mainstream” teachings. I also would have doubted His miracles, where I would have suspected Him of some fraud on His “healings”. But unfortunately I also identify with the Pharisees in their seeking honor unto themselves. Mine was a troubled childhood, especially in our “yours, mine and ours” family. I was ridiculed and diminished at home, so I was guilty of “tooting my own horn” at school and among friends. That pattern, unfortunately, continued into adulthood and remains a problem with me today – constantly appreciating (if not actively seeking) honor from others. So what would it have taken for me to follow Jesus back then? Would His pointing out my sin so clearly have forced me to re-think my own predispositions? Apparently not with these Pharisees, who continued …lying in wait for Him, to catch Him in something He might say. (v. 54) As I’ve said so many times, we are so fortunate to be living on this side of Jesus’ cross and resurrection!!

See also: July 9 / Luke 11:37-44; July 10 / Luke 11:45-54

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    1. Weren’t the videos he sent out yesterday uplifting? I loved the uninhibited enthusiasm of those folks from what the people in the US and Europe consider to be backward countries!

  1. Fred, you are not the only one who wonders what we would do when faced with the truth about ourselves. Anger and fighting back is the commonest reaction. But after inward reflection (in my case over decades unfortunately), you would have seen the truth for what it was.

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