April 10 / Luke 14:1-14

Luke 14:1-14

I am intrigued by the “parable of the great banquet” at the end of today’s reading. Most of us have friends who are in the same “social standing”. Incomes may differ dramatically, but we find common ground with our race, religion, nationality, etc. Frankly, for many of us, our church is our social group and our church reflects that common ground – race, religion, nationality, etc. We can invite Hispanics and Africans to join us and in doing so we expand that “social space”. The next step then is embracing those in that widening circle.

I think Jesus is telling us to get out of our comfort zones, whatever that means for any of us. When we finally get back to church together and get back to our wonderful “Gathering” times, we need to make it a point to sit with different people each week until we are on a first-name basis with everyone in the church. But now I’m preaching instead of sharing! Have a blessed day, folks!

See also: July 19 / Luke 14:1-6; July 20 / Luke 14:7-14

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  1. I agree, Fred. We need to get to know more of the people in our own church, which is much of our social group, too.

    I think Jesus calls us out beyond our church smaller groups and across our membership, to those we don’t know as well. But even more to those who are “outsiders,” beyond those who come into our building. Particularly those who do not have the means to return a lunch or dinner invitation in our homes or at a restaurant. The thing I thought about was how to give that person dignity, not just me as a do-gooder. Encouraging contributions later if this is ongoing, like helping, bringing something, other ways to contribute at no cost, etc.

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