June 15 / Mark 15:1-20

Mark 15:1-20

I am not a person who suffers pain well. But as horrible as the crucifixion was, I am equally troubled at the scourging that Jesus received from the Roman cohort. A scourging with a leather whip would have been trouble enough, but these whips (according to my Study Bible) had bits of bone and metal embedded into the leather thongs. In addition to the pain from each lash of the whip, Jesus had to endure the taunting by the soldiers, then a crown of thorns driven into His head. Through all this I can imagine Jesus loving His torturers and praying out His words from the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34) Words fail me.

See also: November 26 / Mark 15:1-15; November 29 / Mark 15:16-20

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