June 30 / John 21:1-25

John 21:1-25

This “love” interaction between Jesus and Peter in verses 15 to 17 is confusing on first read – and on many additional reads – unless you know the Greek behind the word “love”. In the first two questions that Jesus poses to Peter He uses the word “agape” for “love”; in His third question He uses the word “phileo”. In each of Peter’s replies he uses the word “phileo”. “Phileo” is a friendship kind of love, while “agape” is a true, heartfelt, deep love. So in His first two questions Jesus is asking Peter about his “agape” love, the depth of his love, and Peter is answering with a friendship “phileo” love. Then when Jesus asks Peter a third time, this time using “phileo” in His question, it’s like Jesus asking him, “Do you only love Me as a friend?” So it’s like Jesus is asking, “Do you LOVE Me?” Then, “Do you LOVE Me?” And finally, “Do you only love Me?” Sadly, each time Peter responds with “phileo” friendship love. Go figure! (This information from my Study Bible and a number of sermons I’ve heard on this passage…)

So today we end our readings/reflections on the Gospels. Tomorrow we begin with the Book of Acts. Six months, 181 days, averaging 21 verses per day, ranging from 11 to 38 verses each day. A long, slow, steady journey filled with knowledge, guidance, blessings… Jesus has now ascended, the disciples are left on their own – almost…!!

See also: December 28 / John 21:1-14; December 29 / John 21:15-25

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