July 14 / Acts 11:1-30

Acts 11:1-30

Today what struck me was twofold – the unity within the church and the apostolic leadership. As for unity, Now the apostles and the brothers who were throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God. So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcision party criticized him, saying… (vv. 1-2) There is initial doubt among the Jewish Christians of the Gentiles becoming believers, but then Peter tells his full story and When they heard these things they fell silent. And they glorified God… (v. 18a). My Study Bible also pointed out a number of other unification items that we have seen thus far in Acts 6:5, 11:1, 11:22.

Second, the Jerusalem leadership of the church was quick to double-check work that was going on elsewhere. You may recall back in chapter 8 that Peter and John were sent to Samaria after Philip and others had been preaching to the Samaritans. Now we have the church “testing” Peter’s activities in Caesarea and Barnabas being sent to Antioch to verify evangelical activities there. We continue to have that apostolic leadership in our church today. Our priests are subject to our bishops and our bishops to our Archbishop and Archbishop Beach to God Himself. But this leadership is a two-way interaction. Foley Beach, our Bishop and Archbishop offers advice and counsel to rectors in ADOTS, but he also seeks their input on matters where discussion is needed. I am fully appreciative of Archbishop Beach wanting to meet with our new rector candidate and giving his assent for us to move forward. Without this model of apostolic leadership unrestrained pastors and teachers can create problems that wisdom “from above” might have forestalled. We at St. Andrew’s are truly blessed!

One more item on this apostolic leadership – think back to our own beginnings in 2003/2004. When this “group of 80” was willing to leave St. John’s and call David Brannen as their rector, the first thing that they did was to seek a “covering” for themselves. This they found in the Ugandan Diocese of Bunyoro – Kitara, wherein they received the Godly leadership of Bishop Nathan, a relationship that is still strong in our church today. GLORY!!

See also: February 13 / Acts 11:1-18; February 14 / Acts 11:19-30

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