July 29 / James 3:1-18

James 3:1-18

But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts… (v. 14) and For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist… (v. 16) I wonder what’s going on in James’ world that he would point out jealousy and selfish ambition twice here. Back in Galatians Paul seemed to imply that this was a problem for the Judaizers, that they wanted to boast of their “converts” (Gentiles converted to Jesus, then circumcised). We also see it in the Gospels, with the Pharisees and Sadducees afraid of losing their power and influence with (over!) the people. So if James is writing from Jerusalem, mostly to Jews (the “twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad”, v. 1:1), it’s very likely that he is seeing the same behaviors that Jesus saw in Jerusalem and that Paul was witnessing in his missionary travels.

Which brings me to our church today… As I look at ACNA leadership, I do not see jealousy and selfish ambition. In Archbishops Duncan and Beach I see humble servants, desirous only of serving the Lord and guiding His people to the best of their ability through the grace of the Holy Spirit in their lives. And even as Archbishop Beach and Bishop Frank offer their guidance in our search for a new rector, it’s not a “control” issue with them, nor do we feel negatively subjected to their leadership – they are looking to our future and using their wisdom and experience to guide us. This was not so in the Episcopal Diocese from which St. John’s (St. Andrew’s) members departed. From my position as a member of the leadership team of that body I clearly saw control as a driving force coming from the top. Which brings me to the verse in between the two that I cited above, This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. (v. 15) Clearly (I believe) there were unspiritual, demonic forces at work in the Episcopal Church in 2003/2004. But from that turmoil sprang St. Andrew’s! I’m reminded of Joseph’s comment to his brothers, …you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good… (Genesis 50:20). GLORY!!

See also: March 19 / James 3:1-12; March 20 / James 3:13-18

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