September 9 / II Cor. 11:1-15

II Corinthians 11:1-15

When someone is awarded a Ph.D. they are “hooded”. A very fancy, but cumbersome “shawl” (hood) is placed around his/her neck, with folds in the cloth open in the back. I was told that the tradition of these hoods came from ancient Greece where scholars and rhetoricians would wear a similar “hood” and listeners would place money in the hood to the extent that they felt that the message they had heard was worthy. The folds open to the back allowed for anonymous giving – the speaker never knew who gave how much. Their speaking was how these scholars and rhetoricians earned their keep. As you can see from today’s reading, Paul was not “hooded”. He preached God’s gospel … free of charge. (v. 7b)

I well remember in my early born-again days that I was drawn to a number of activities on campus that would help me grow my new faith. One such activity to which I was invited was someone new to campus who was beginning a new teaching on I Corinthians. In this introductory session this guy spoke for about 30 minutes, first simply introducing himself, then covering only maybe five or six verses in those 30 minutes. Then he began to talk about his ministry and the need for funds to continue to carry out his work. This went on for another 30 minutes or so, truly another 30 minutes of his trying to guilt us into funding him. I left, feeling somewhat embarrassed at being the only person to walk out, but still I left. And as I walked home I was comforted in my spirit that I did the right thing – and later readings of Scripture, like what we read today have shown me that I was right to leave.

Gospel preachers should not have to beg for funds. They know that the Lord will supply their needs if they are truly following Him. Unfortunately, in reality long-term overseas missionaries are often forgotten by their sending churches and income support becomes a major challenge in their continuing ministry. Talk with Mission Committee members from our church; ask them about the needs of those we support at St. Andrew’s. You’ll find that the reality of funding for these overseas missionaries is often the biggest problem they face if they are to continue in this work to which God has called them.

See also: June 3 / II Cor. 11:1-15

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1 Comment

  1. Thanks, Fred. I didn’t know that about doctoral hoods. Ha!

    This passage is a real cautionary tale. How Satan appears as good to try and deceive Eve in the garden, Jesus in the wilderness, and us in the pews. He’s so crafty – twists words, ideas, and even the Bible if we are not careful. We need to always look at the fruits. You’ll know them by their fruits. Follow the money!

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