September 18 / II Cor. 7:2-16, 13:11-14

II Corinthians 7:2-16, 13:11-14

So today we finish our reorganized readings of II Corinthians. Reading in a different order has helped my understanding, but there’s still so much of it swimming in my head that I find myself confused as to what we have read. And if II Corinthians is, in fact, parts from three or four letters and if there is a lost letter somewhere – all that makes it all the more confusing. Still, however, we can glean from Paul’s writings helpful advice and solid theology. There are probably a dozen or more verses in these thirteen chapters that are well known, often quoted. We are not Biblical scholars, we are not able to put it all together, but we can still use this Bible text that we have for our own personal spiritual growth.

One other item of interest to me is when the Bible proves itself. Paul writes in II Corinthians of his reunion with Titus in Macedonia (II Cor. 2:12-13, 7:5, ff.) and two weeks ago we read Luke’s account of Paul leaving Ephesus and traveling to Macedonia (Acts 20:1-2). So between Luke’s and Paul’s writings we can get a better chronology of Paul’s travels. It’s never exact, but by putting these pieces together we can come to a solid conclusion that Paul did, in fact, write II Corinthians from Macedonia. Now we move on to Romans, Paul’s greatest theological tome. No need for rearranging that epistle – Paul lays it out in a perfectly organized structure. We have some heavy reading ahead!!

See also: May 29 / II Cor. 7:1-16; June 7 / II Cor. 13:1-14

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