December 29 / Revelation 20:1-15

Revelation 20:1-15

My ignorance of end-times theologies is huge! Both of my Study Bibles have long notes talking about the millennium, Jesus’ 1000-year reign that we read about today. They discuss three theories – amillennialism, premillennialism, and postmillennialism. And even as I read each of these explanations in both Study Bibles I find that I don’t know which of those three theories I am more prone to believe. A friend from many years back had his own theory, panmillennialism. He maintained that Jesus fulfilled all prophesy during His time on Earth, but that none of the scholars of His time had it correct as to what type of Messiah He would be. Likewise, when it comes to the end times all prophesy will be fulfilled, but no one will get it right – it will all “pan” out in the end! That’s where I tend to be – blessed ignorance!

But I am intrigued by Satan being imprisoned for those 1000 years. It’s like he will serve a jail sentence for crimes that he committed. But then when he is released we see that he will not have reformed at all, but that in fact he will be more venomous than ever! Surely he knows of his certain defeat! Why does he persist?

What I do know is Jesus’ certain return, that He is coming again. We saw in Paul’s writings that many people in Paul’s time were expecting Jesus’ soon return. And that perspective has held over the centuries, that many people then and now expect Jesus’ return very soon. But we do not know when. Period. Maybe today…?

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