March 23 / Psalm 30

Psalm 30

The header for today’s Psalm says “A Psalm of David. A song at the dedication of the temple”, but there is nothing in the Psalm that even hints at a temple dedication. The closest the Psalm comes to the temple is in verse 7 where David says, “…you made my mountain stand strong…”, since David was living on the mountain that is Jerusalem and was preparing materials for Solomon to build the temple. So, a strange title.

David seems almost arrogant in verses 6 and 7a: As for me, I said in my prosperity, “I shall never be moved.” By Your favor, O LORD, You made my mountain stand strong; , especially his quote, “I shall never be moved.” But then it seems that the Lord took him down: …You hid Your face; I was dismayed. (v. 7b) I’ve seen this scenario time and again in my life – things are going well and I am pleased, probably over-pleased with myself, then it all comes crashing down! Twice it happened to me in the last three months; I won’t recount those incidents here, but suffice to say that I was well-pleased with “where I was”, then things went upside down! It is so often the case that when we get too full of ourselves that God reminds us of who He is and of His desire to work in our lives. We need to remember that on the front end, praise and thanksgiving for who He is; there would be less repentance needed later!

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