April 27 / Psalm 50:7-15

Psalm 50:7-15

Yesterday I noted from my Study Bible that today’s reading would be words of correction for those of “honest intent” (vv. 7-15), with tomorrow’s reading a sharp rebuke of “the wicked” (vv. 16-23). And as I read today’s verses I can see that these authors are correct. The Israelites are offering their daily sacrifices, as the Lord prescribed in Leviticus, so that’s a good thing. However, I get the sense that these sacrifices are, to the Israelites, the “be all, end all”, the essence of what they need to do to please God. Very likely they have this perspective from looking at other nations and the gods that they worship. Those peoples can never do enough to please their gods who, it seems, are always angry. But God is saying in today’s reading that the sacrifices are nice (Not for your sacrifices do I rebuke you, v. 8), but that what He really wants is thanksgiving for all that He has done for them and more expressions of their need for Him (vv. 14-15).

I’ve long equated the sacrificial offerings of the Old Testament with our own “sacrifices” of our time, talent, and treasure to the Lord. I see the time that people put in through the ministries we have at St. Andrew’s. For many of these ministries people are also offering their talent (flowers, Children’s Worship, Avanza, etc., especially our upcoming Creative Arts Camp). And as church treasurer I record and summarize all the financial offerings from our generous congregation. And then I look at my own time, talent, and treasure offerings and ask if my praise, thanksgiving, and asking of the Lord matches those other “sacrifices”. Yes, I have “honest intent”. But with all that what I truly need, what the Lord truly wants is more prayer time, more “sacrifice of thanksgiving”, more praise, more asking.

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