May 30 / Proverbs 9:7-12

Proverbs 9:7-12

Today in our reading of Proverbs we finally arrive at a few proverbs. 🙂

Have you ever tried to correct a scoffer? How did it go? Did the scoffer humbly accept your correction, learn from it, change his ways, and pour out appreciation to you? Or did the scoffer instead keep right on doing whatever he was doing, all the while blaming you for whatever setback he may have experienced, and designating you as his latest enemy? I’m guessing the latter…

On the other hand, have you ever corrected a wise person? And how did that go? Probably better than with the scoffer, right?

All of that goes to say that I suspect we have all seen and experienced the truth of Pr. 9:7-9. One person accepts correction and instruction and subsequently improves himself. Another rejects correction and compounds his problems.

Which one am I? Which one are you?

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