August 9 / Psalm 87

Psalm 87

To me there’s not a lot to reflect on in today’s psalm. The psalmist is extolling the glory of Jerusalem and Mount Zion, established/ordained by God Himself. The psalmist pays particular attention to the special “citizenship” of those who were born there – in contrast to those who were born in the other countries listed in verse 4.

So birthright comes to mind, specifically birthplace. Carol and I share unusual birthplace items. Carol was born in Washington, DC (not many people can say that!), but her parents were living in Maryland. I was born in Indiana, but my parents lived across the river in Illinois (no nearby hospitals on that side of the river). Our Slovak friends, Vlado and Maria have returned to Kentucky. Their son, Oliver was born here when they first arrived, so he is by birthright an American citizen. Likewise, I have heard or read stories about pregnant Hispanic women who take their chances with the dangers and the US authorities to have their children born in the USA – forever American citizens. Finally, wherever we travel Carol and I have our very special blue passports, proof to border agents everywhere that we are American citizens.

With it all, frankly, none of those birthrights matter, not compared to our eternal birthright: But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ… (Philippians 3:20). That is a birthright to grasp onto – and to share!

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