Psalm 88
A lament – frankly, as lamentable as any lament that we have read. There’s not a shred of hope in any of what the psalmist writes. He calls out to God for help (vv. 1, 2, 9, 13), yet he blames God for his condition (vv. 6-8, 14-16). And unlike any other lament that we have read (that I can recall) there is no closing praise, no expression of confidence in the Lord’s deliverance. His words remind me of Job – but of Job at his worst. Sad.
I am not a person who has known much depression in my life. Misfortune, yes. Difficulties, yes. Setbacks, yes. But I always had hope, always believing that these difficulties would be short-lived. I find it hard to relate to someone living in deep depression. But as I read this lament, my heart goes out to the writer. His malady has been with him “from his youth on” (v. 15). I know that I need more compassion in my life. This psalm helps me to think about that, to try to see what others are (or might be) going through. Something of a wake-up call…
“There’s not a shred of hope in any of what the psalmist writes.” I beg to differ — a little. Consider the first two verses:
The psalmist still considers the LORD to be the “God of my salvation”, and he offers this prayer with the expectation that (somehow) it will be heard. The fact that this psalm exists at all expresses hope. True despair considers prayer to be futile. And this is far from that.
That said, yes, it is very much a lament, one that we can turn to in our darkest hours to express our own pain or to stir our compassion for those who are struggling.
In addition to the writer having hope, I see the writer is also expressing faith. See vs. 2; “Now hear my prayer; listen to my cry.” To me this is an expression of faith that God is alive and God is listening. A good lesson for us – to continue (and always!) have faith that God hears us.