September 26 / Psalm 105:37-45

Psalm 105:37-45

Today’s reading completes the psalmist’s overview of the Exodus. We see how the Egyptians sent the Israelites away, even giving them silver and gold. (Ps. 105:37,38; Ex. 12:33-36) We see God’s faithfulness in guiding them and in providing them with food and water all through the wilderness. (Ps. 105:39-41; Ex. 13-17, plus the rest of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) Finally, we see that He gave Israel possession of the land that He had promised to Abraham. (Ps. 105:42-45; Joshua 1-24.)

The LORD is indeed a good and faithful God, Who does what He says. God always does what is good and right, and He always does it the best way. He never fails to accomplish His plans and purposes. This psalm celebrates God’s faithfulness. Let’s do the same.

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