Introduction to Ecclesiastes

Forty-two. Yes, 42. If that just made you chuckle or brought a smile to your face, then you know what I’m talking about. If you are bewildered, then I’d like to refer you to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which started as a BBC comedic sci-fi radio series, followed by a TV show and …

November 2022 Readings

Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Nov Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 11 02-Nov Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 7 03-Nov Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 11 04-Nov Ecclesiastes 2:12-26 15 05-Nov Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 8 06-Nov Ecclesiastes 3:9-22 14 07-Nov Ecclesiastes 4 16 08-Nov Ecclesiastes 5:1-9 9 09-Nov Ecclesiastes 5:10-20 11 10-Nov Ecclesiastes 6 12 11-Nov Ecclesiastes 7:1-13 13 12-Nov Ecclesiastes 7:14-29 16 13-Nov Ecclesiastes 8:1-9 9 …

October 31 / Psalm 124

Psalm 124 Our fifth “Song of Ascents” and the last until December 1. The title also lists “of David”, but my Study Bible suggests that it only resembles a Davidic psalm and was probably written sometime after Israel returned from exile – escaped the snare, as it were (v. 7). There are three deliverances mentioned …

October 29 / Psalm 122

Psalm 122 A clear topic today, folks – Jerusalem. I can picture Galileans singing this song as they began their three-day journey to Jerusalem to celebrate one of the annual feasts. We could even imagine Jesus as a boy or as a young man joining in praying and singing this Psalm. Carol and I have …

October 27 / Psalm 120

Psalm 120 Only seven verses, following on Psalm 119’s 176 verses! Today’s psalm begins with the heading, “A Song of Ascents”. We see this today and we’ll see it for the next fourteen psalms (Psalms 120-134). Scholars have suggested one of two meanings for these headings. The first is a suggestion that these psalms are …

October 26 / Psalm 119:161-176

Psalm 119:161-176 Psalm 119, Day 11, the end. It seems fitting to me that the focus I see in today’s reading is praise. See Ps. 119:164,171,172,175. This has been a joyful 11-day trip for me through Psalm 119. Seeing the psalmist’s use of all those synonyms and his alphabetic acrostic mode… Even though we don’t …

October 25 / Psalm 119:145-160

Psalm 119:145-160 Psalm 119, Day 10. God’s Law is eternal. The psalmist closes each stanza in today’s reading (Ps. 119:152,160) with this truth. When God gave Moses and the Israelites the Ten Commandments, they weren’t something that He had just dreamed up for the moment. These commandments are eternal practices that give life; they’re not …

October 24 / Psalm 119:129-144

Psalm 119:129-144 Psalm 119, Day 9. Thinking again about those synonyms for the Law… Here they are again, the ones that I listed on Day 1: “commands” / “commandments”, “decrees”, “judgments”, “precepts”, “statutes”, “testimonies”, (Your) “ways”, (Your) “word”. What I did not say back on Day 1 is that each of these words has a …