December 8 / Psalm 132:1-10

Psalm 132:1-10

Psalm 132, the first half. December 8, in the Catholic Church, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation. We say in our Nicene Creed, “Begotten, not made…” and we believe it. How miraculous is this, that God, the God of the Universe can come to earth as a tiny seed implanted in a young girl’s womb! And then live among us for 30+ years, then die a horrible death, then to rise again in glory and ascend to the throne that He abandoned those many years earlier. How can this be? The same question that the young Virgin asked, “How can this be!” But nothing is too great for our Almighty!

I mention the Immaculate Conception today because I read ahead in Psalm 132. My Study Bible noted that verses 17-18 were read by early Christians as Messianic: There I will make a horn to sprout for David; I have prepared a lamp for My anointed. His enemies I will clothe with shame, but on him his crown will shine. During this season of Advent, even though we Anglicans don’t celebrate the Immaculate Conception as such, we do honor the Annunciation. And as we await His coming again, we also celebrate His first coming. How can this be…??!! GLORY!

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