August 24 / II Chronicles 36:22-23; Proverbs 22:17-24:34

II Chronicles 36:22-23; Proverbs 22:17-24:34

Today we see the (beginning of the) fulfillment of what God promised through His prophets. Jeremiah had declared that the Babylonian exile would come to an end and that God’s people would return to the Promised Land. Further, as we read the other day, Isaiah had declared (much earlier) that a man named Cyrus would be the LORD’s chosen instrument for bringing about their release from captivity. Sure enough, Cyrus the Great, comes to power, conquers Babylon, and proclaims release to the captives.

That brings us to the end of II Chronicles, and The Chronological Study Bible takes the opportunity to return us to the Book of Proverbs for “words of the wise” that are not pegged to any more specific time frame. Unfortunately, that means we must gobble down material that is better digested more slowly…

For those who may have joined us more recently here at RTB, you should know that last year we focused on the Psalms and the Old Testament “Wisdom Literature” (i.e., Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs), which allowed us to read those books at a slower pace than we can this year in our “Bible-in-a-year” tour. As you can see below, we took seven days to cover what we’re reading today. I suggest that for Proverbs, rather than trying to read all of today’s content in one sitting, split it up over the course of the day. You might also want to take a look at last year’s Introduction to Proverbs.


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