December 30 / Revelation 8-16

Revelation 8-16

As we read through Revelation, we see a lot of drama. There is conflict. There is tribulation. There are natural (and unnatural!) disasters, calamities, woes. There is a great struggle between Good and Evil. Except for a small faithful remnant, the whole earth is in utter rebellion against God, and they remain unrepentant. But even in the midst of all this turmoil, let me ask just one question: Who is in charge?

(Hint: It’s not the dragon, nor the beast from the sea, nor the beast from the earth…)

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    1. Absolutely, Pam!

      Reading Revelation makes me shudder. Will I be ready? Will my children, or children’s children, be faithful?

      Only knowing the ultimate victory and new reign of our King is coming makes it possible to read it with hope—and even joy!

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