January 22 / Luke 8:40-56

Luke 8:40-56

Good morning, RTB’ers!

As I began today’s reading I thought of how familiar this passage is to me. I mean, immediately when I saw Jairus’ name I connected him and his daughter to the woman with the discharge. A daughter twelve years old and a woman with a twelve-year ailment… And I quickly recalled my participation in a number of small groups in the past where we discussed this passage. And the topic that leaps to my mind is impatience. Yes, faith seems to be the topic for today’s reading, but IMPATIENCE has dominated these small group discussions. STS asks you to put yourself into the woman’s place. In those discussion groups, however, we have so often focused on JAIRUS!! Can you imagine how Jairus might have been feeling!!?? “My daughter is ill, near death! Leave this older woman alone and come to my house! PLEASE!!”

Why the focus on Jairus and impatience? Because we’ve all been there: “I have a need. I want it fixed. NOW! Lord, why do You delay? Yes, Lord, ‘Your will be done’, but this thing surely is in Your will. Why the delay? Why not now??!!”

Am I way off the mark here?


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  1. When I answered question one I thought, “I don’t remember any time I’ve had a miraculous healing.” But then God started reminding me of other situations where He answered my prayers in miraculous ways. I literally had to stop writing because my hand was cramping. There have been many, many times He did so. I won’t go into them here, but would be glad to talk to anyone about them. All this leads to my answer to question two: Keep remembering what God has done in your past, and look at even the tiniest things to be thankful for each day. Keep a journal of even the smallest of miracles – a beautiful sunrise, a child’s laughter, anything to be thankful for, and your faith will grow.

  2. I am reminded to keep the faith because whatever God’s will is, let it be done! God’s way is the only way because he has our best interest.

    It interesting and unfathomable that the lady just touched his cloak from behind and was healed! And Jesus felt it and would not let it be unnoticed. I can’t imagine what that woman felt.

    And yes we are impatient! We do want it NOW! But there is always a lesson to be learned in waiting, and God reveals more in the time of waiting that eventually we understand why.

    Yes, Jennifer, God performs miracles all the time. And some we weren’t asking for but we knew it was him!

    God bless all.

  3. This morning’s reading had me pondering my own faith in Jesus’ ability to heal. It is important not only to have faith in what I believe Jesus can do (ex: heal the girl’s illness) but also have faith that maybe Jesus wants to do something even more miraculous instead (raise her from the dead)!

    We have been studying miracles with the youth group and a theme that the kids have brought up is that Jesus wants us to experience his joy. Water to wine, raising the dead, casting out demons, all to bring us closer to Him and the kingdom He is preparing.

  4. Great comments today, folks. It’s what John and I like to see! But I guess I’m not surprised. This combination of Jesus healing Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the discharge has so much to say to all of us! Keep it up!!

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