Luke 18:1-17
Dear RTB’ers,
And will not God give justice to His elect, who cry to Him day and night? Will He delay long over them? (Luke 18:7) War comes to mind. I’m sure that there are thousands of faithful Christians in Ukraine who pray daily and read this parable and ask God, “When will you act against these heathens?” Or Polish believers from 1939 and Belgian and Dutch and French believers from 1940 on, all having to wait (and suffer) more than five years to see the end of Hitler’s war? Will He delay long over them? I have to keep reminding myself that I’m not God. I know that He knows all things and that He is operating on His own timetable. Mostly I think that I’m a patient man, that I can wait it out through difficulties – not without frustration, but still waiting and asking the Lord what He has for me to learn. But when I see the suffering of the Ukrainians over this unjust war, I ask the Lord, “When will You act?” Or when I read of Muslim terrorism in Africa, I ask, “When. Lord…?” And will not God give justice to His elect, who cry to Him day and night? Will He delay long over them?
I guess the word “speedily” in Luke 18:8 is God’s time not ours…
Yes, “speedily” seems to have different timetables between earth and heaven!