August 6 / Joshua 3-4

Joshua 3-4

Dear RTB’ers,

Israel crossing the Jordan River. I was first going to re-tell the story a bit, but then thought to have the rest of you do that–finding all the differences between Israel’s Exodus crossing of the Red Sea and their crossing the Jordan River today. There are many. I’ll hope to hear from you before I post again much later in the day.

There appear to be two sets of twelve stones, one from stones carried from the river by men from each tribe and set up at Gilgal (Joshua 4:20) and a second pile set up by Joshua in the middle of the Jordan (Joshua 4:9). My Study Bible offered a second translation, “Then Joshua set up the twelve stones that had been in…” that would argue for only one set of twelve stones. You decide…

I neglected to mention yesterday about the two-and-one-half tribes – Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh. Owing to the fact that they had much livestock, they had requested of Moses that they be allowed to remain east of the Jordan River. Moses granted their request, but required that they join the other tribes in conquering the Promised Land. So we see them today (actually, a portion of their numbers) crossing over in battle array (Joshua 4:12-13).

So, until later today…


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