August 28 / Proverbs 1

As Fred heads off to Europe for the next few months, he has asked me to provide the daily commentary as we head into Proverbs. Those of you who have been with RTB for the past few years know that we went through Proverbs at a slower pace in 2022, and then flew through it again in 2023 at an insanely fast pace. Before we dive in for this year, I would encourage you to read our Introduction to Proverbs from 2022. Likewise, as we go through each day, you may also want to (re)visit the rest of our commentary from 2022 (and a bit from 2023). Yes, that will take a few more minutes each day (especially for the next few days), but I do not think you will regret it.

Proverbs 1


We learn right up front in this book that wisdom — obtaining wisdom and conveying wisdom from one generation to the next — is the objective at hand. But wisdom does not come naturally. It involves a choice. We can choose to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity (v. 3) or reject it. We can practice the fear of the LORD, or we can despise wisdom and instruction. (v. 7) We can pursue righteousness and life, or we can fall in with the wrong crowd and be enticed toward unjust gain — and our own demise. (Pr. 1:8-19) We can listen to the voice of Wisdom as she calls out to us in the streets, or we can stop our ears and go our own way until it is too late. (Pr. 20-33) Most people do the latter.

So choose. What will it be? Are you willing to listen to Wisdom?

See also:

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