December 8 / II Corinthians 11:1-21a

II Corinthians 11:1-21a

Dear RTB’ers,

Paul and the Corinthians…! This second letter is Paul’s most confusing epistle, mostly because we don’t know anything about his “third visit” (if there was one) or his other letter(s). So we’re having to read between the lines and draw our own inferences.

Today’s reading clearly suggests that there are other preachers in Corinth who are leading the Corinthians astray (v. 4, …another Jesus, …a different spirit, …a different gospel). I wonder at their motivation. Are they trying to get paid for their preaching? They seem to deride Paul for preaching for free. Are they trying to build their own following, lauding themselves with their fluency and their letters of recommendation? Paul refers to them (sarcastically) as “super-apostles” (v. 5) and then unsarcastically as …false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. (v. 13b) And what message are they even preaching about Jesus or are they preaching any kind of Christian message? Clearly they are doing something to try to imitate Paul: … those who would like to claim that in their boasted mission they work on the same terms as we do. (v. 12b) Whoever they are, whatever they are doing or saying, Paul is committed to bringing them down: But what I am doing I will also continue to do, so that I may eliminate the[ir] opportunity… (v. 12a, NASB, slightly edited).

We are fortunate at St. Andrew’s to have faithful preachers, in our lead pastors, our assistant pastors and in guest preachers from Asbury and from around the world. I will forever recall David’s words, “You bring the people and I’ll preach the Gospel!” We are blessed!


See also: September 9 (2021) / II Corinthians 11:1-15

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