February 9 / Hebrews 13:9-25

Hebrews 13:9-25

Dear RTB’ers,

We will gather as an RTB group in a few hours, so I will make this short. Verse 10 was confusing to me: We have an altar from which those who serve the tent have no right to eat. Yes, confusing, so I went to an online commentary: “We who are Christians by our trust in Jesus, share what he did when he died on the cross … Those who depend on what they do at their altars do not share what Jesus has done.” The Hebrews author is equating his word “altar” in verse 10 to Jesus’ death on the cross. Presumably the Temple was still around when the author was writing this letter and sacrifices were still being offered. So the writer is saying that priests who serve at the Temple altar and offer animal sacrifices have no share in Jesus’ sacrificial death. No longer confusing! See you soon!!


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