February 19 / Numbers 14:10b-45

Numbers 14:10b-45

Dear RTB’ers,

Today, the Lord’s response to the failure of the people to trust God for His Promised Land – and it seems a harsh response: forty years for forty days, one year for each day, death in the wilderness, and a plague consuming the unfaithful ten. It seems harsh, but again, God is God and I am not. Maybe God’s response to this failure on the part of the Israelites should tell us something about His feelings toward our own failures. That is, for us on this side of the Cross, His mercy overwhelms His rightful justice. That’s what Jesus has done for us. Thank you, Jesus.


See also: February 12 (2023) / Numbers 13-14

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1 Comment

  1. I also wonder: would I have been a Caleb/Joshua? Or would I have been like the other ten?

    And thanks once again for directing us back to previous posts. Today’s was instructive for further reflection on what it means to be obedient…

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