Matthew 2:1-23
RTNT 2021. When RTB read the Gospels in 2019 the readings were, on average, about half the length that we have this year (since we’re covering twice as much material this year). So today’s readings in 2019 were split over three days and I wrote fairly extensive comments over those three days, which I have linked below. But I had one additional thought to share. Both Moses and Jesus “delivered” their people – Moses delivered the Jews from the Egyptians and Jesus delivered all humankind from sin. But Moses and Jesus also had similar beginnings. Moses was saved by his mother and Pharaoh’s daughter from Pharaoh’s slaughter of all newborn males and Jesus was saved by a warning to Joseph in a dream from Herod’s slaughter of the “Holy Innocents”. These two “deliverers” who were saved at birth became salvation for their people.
From 2019: January 12 / Matt. 2:1-12; January 13 / Matt. 2:13-21; January 14 / Matt. 2:22-23; Luke 2:39-40
In these passages I’m picking up again on ‘light’… First of all, I had wondered about the term “wise men”. What’s a “wise man” as used in these passages? My Bible describes the “wise men” as royal astrologers. I always wondered why these guys were drawn/motivated to follow a bright star. OK now I get it. It now makes sense, these guys were scientists, astrologers keenly aware of celestial bodies. And this star, this time, really caught their attention! After all, this star was moving, guiding, leading them. Light once again, leading them and us to Jesus who is our Light!
I am mulling over all these comments; very helpful for me, especially observations by John and Bruce about revelation and light—Thanks, guys!
Jesus being the LIGHT of the world is a particularly strong concept for me. Todd recommended reading Isaiah 60 the other day in a message about Epiphany—it has so much about the light, glory, and goodness of God:
Being an English teacher, it struck me that the verbs here are in the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE. I am especially struck by the present action of the glory of the Lord rising upon us—continually, right now.
And of course our reading also cross references back to John 1:
…has come; …risen; …will be. Past, present, future. Sweet. Good insight, Carol!
Reading through the familiar passage this time, I was struck by Matthew’s reference to Jeremiah’s prophesy of Rachel crying in Ramah. What was that about? Apparently, Ramah was the deportation point for the northern kingdom’s exile by the Assyrians. The 10 Lost Tribes who never returned, wept over by Jacob’s favorite wife. The lost generation in Bethlehem and surrounds, Holy Innocents. Our God had/has a plan and it will happen in His time, regardless of anyone who tries to thwart it. Praise God!