May 22 / Proverbs 7:1-5

Proverbs 7:1-5

Today’s reading sounds very much like Pr. 6:20-24, which we read just two days ago. Are we listening yet?

Do you keep [these] words? Do you treasure up [these] commandments? Do you bind them on your fingers? Do you write them on the tablet of your heart? Do you say to wisdom, “You are my sister,” and call insight your intimate friend?

If not, why not? But if you do, then how? What practical steps do you take to implement these admonitions?

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  1. Practical steps…

    I first have to practice humility and absolute honesty, as best I can, so I can recognize my faults/sins and hold myself accountable for them. This allows me to be open to change or instruction or admonition. With varying degrees of success, I take an “inventory” of myself or my behavior or my actions periodically and try to be honest… I try. As long as I’m willing to try, God seems to guide me with this inventory. This inventory reveals what’s going on with me and where change or implementing these admonitions is needed. I’ve even written these things down on paper so I can see the sin right in front of me in black-and-white.

    Next I seek through prayer and meditation to hear God’s direction. This is the hard part for me. I get distracted so easily! But if I don’t hear or get direction right away, I keep praying and asking. Many times the voice of wisdom comes through others, particularly those trusted individuals in a small group or one-on-one with another man. But God’s admonition does come.

    This is a great exercise in patience and waiting on God. And I need the lessons in patience, too!

    What I described above is an adaptation of steps 4, 5, 6, 10, and 11 of a 12-step recovery program. This is the only practical way I’ve found to implement (or at least try) God’s teachings.

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