September 13 / Proverbs 28:1-14

Proverbs 28:1-14

Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper,
but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.

Proverbs 28:13

This proverb presents a core truth of Christianity. The first real step in receiving mercy is to recognize our own sin and to repent. We cannot stand on our own righteousness.

Yet it is a truth that we seem to forget constantly. So we all come to church each week wearing masks, pretending that we’ve got it all together. Sure, we say “The General Confession” along with everyone else in the service, but when asked individually, “How are you?” we say, “Fine” or we mention some physical malady. We practically never respond with a confession of sin. No. We’re in good shape.

And so, our tendency to conceal transgressions grows, and it extends to the congregation as a whole. Soon it encompasses great swaths of the institutional Church. We see whole denominations covering up scandalous behavior, like sexual misconduct on the part of clergy or other leadership. All this from an institution where only sinners are allowed in to begin with! No wonder the world calls us hypocrites!

That’s one thing I love about Freedom Road. The masks come off, and we admit our powerlessness over sin and our utter dependence on the Lord. And in that confession we find not only mercy but freedom — the freedom that the entire Church should enjoy, if only we would take off the masks.

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